Hi Everyone! I wanted to share my first actual post with some pictures of my house the day I closed. I put an offer on this house in 2017 and it took 60+ days to close! It was a nightmare of a process, but I never gave up! The house is only 900 square feet with 3 bed 1 bath. BUT 900 square feet is a lot to update on your own!

A little backstory:
I searched for houses all summer, probably went through over 30. I finally lost on all my bids (or the inspection fell through on one) and took a 2 day trip to the upper peninsula for some stress relief.

While up there I received a call from my real estate agent (@JohnLionas) and he said a house JUST popped up exactly where I wanted it, with everything I wanted. The only downside was it was not updated or taken well care of because it used to be a rental. Well? I was fed up with looking and told him to just submit my offer without even really seeing the house itself, just the few pictures on the site. Offer was immediately accepted, and I couldn't be happier. The inspection even passed this time and we were moving forward! I was lucky enough to be able to do a couple walk throughs so I could plan (while waiting 60 days to close) the best and cheapest way to upgrade/update the home.
Below are some of the pictures/videos from "BEFORE". Also - I know it looks awful ;)
